“Jobs” Section

Hi. We are proud to announce that we added a new feature to our website: the “Jobs” section.

Here agencies can advertise their available jobs. As the owner of an agency all you have to do is:

  1. go to the “Jobs” tab in the Menu
  2. click on “Add a new job” option from the drop down menu
  3. fill in the form with all the information
  4. click preview to check that everything is OK
  5. click “Submit listing”

Done! The job is sent to an administrator for approval. Your job will be visible once approved by an administrator.

To search for a job you have to select “Job Search” under the “Jobs” tab in the main Menu.

To apply for a job you have to click on the job and then click on “Apply for job” button. You will be prompted with an email address where you will have to submit your CV/details.

By default all job adverts expire after 30 days. This is a feature set by us to stop the website being cluttered with old jobs or jobs that have been filled.

In the “Your Jobs” selection under the “Jobs” drop down Menu you can View, Edit, Mark filled, Duplicate or Delete your adverts.

The Duplicate feature helps you create multiple adverts, a lot faster. Create a duplicate of a previous job, change the wording a bit and you are good to go. You have a new advert ready to be submitted for approval.

We are constantly improving our website and the focus is on customer experience. Please do not hesitate to send us an email with suggestions. We will try to honour them.